Work with me: one on one.

Let’s Break It Down.

We each have many unique gifts, it took some time to breathe into this offering as one of mine.

One of my most energy giving and seamless offerings? is to help others activate and actualize what is most meaningful to them.

A new love language maybe? helping you actualize the meaningful change you want to make in your life, in a month.

It is possible to re-wire the brain and habitual patterning in 30 days, of consistency, accountability and motivation.

Time to make the change?

I will help you identify the HOW, after we understand the ‘why’… a new relationship to your health, your routine, your purpose, your work, your relationships.




It is not more complicated than this.

Sometimes we just need a lil sidekick to get going, and then you are off…

wings spread: expansion and evolution underway.

Your unique actualization is my focus for the one month we work together.

  • I take on one client per month, we work together for a 30 day cycle.

    We meet twice a week every week.

    The cost is 3.3k. The investment honors your worth,  honors my experience and devotion I pour in - and will be reciprocated, well, forever.

  • Structure, Skill, Rewiring, Commitment, Momentum, Honesty, Insight, Articulation, Standards, Rengeneration.

  • I paused my mentorship offering for 2 years, after a 6 year beautiful journey, because I needed to focus on me. I am returning now because it is honest, real, and because I have SO much energy to offer, and a lot of clarity.

    I asked myself what type of support system helps ME feel most alive, and it is from this through line I discovered, and from this joy point that I now offer this work.

Yes, the rebirth begins within, let’s connect as and when you are ready for it to echo outwards.

Re Conceptualise



Thank You’s

To the chosen friends and family who have held me through the moments of growth that re-kindled my flame to continue this work… as the capacity of my heart and nervous system grows, I get to offer more of myself each and every day.

In the spirit of transformation, remove your armor, connect with your naked essence. This energy comes to free you from the chains of identity and the story of who you think you are. Call on courage and face the sometimes painful truth of what is no longer serving you.
— Lily Ashwell; The Little Guidebook

simply send an email below with your application.

Please leave your WhatsApp and I will reach out.